Home » BCIS webinar series. Are you using the right index? How to manage inflationary risk on construction projects  

BCIS webinar series. Are you using the right index? How to manage inflationary risk on construction projects  

Published: 17/05/2023

With inflation at its highest rate since the ‘70s, the topic is rarely out of the headlines. And while we recognise the impact high inflation is having on our daily lives, the construction industry is no exception.

As we continue to face increasing cost pressures on our construction projects, there’s never been a better time to remember the importance of managing inflationary risk within our projects and programmes.  

In our webinar, we’ll explore the importance of selecting the right index when updating project costs. We’ll highlight the different types of indices available, what they cover and how to manage inflation with our six golden rules. 

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The presentation

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The Q&A

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Additional insights

Read more – a case study – Price Adjustment Formulae Indices – Crossrail

Read more – Why has there been a surge of interest in the Price Adjustment Formulae Indices (PAFI)?

Read more – Why you should always use a construction-specific index

Read more – Are you using the right index? 6 golden rules to follow each time

Price Adjustment Formulae Indices online (PAFI) is included in BCIS CapX

The price adjustment formulae is a method of calculating the increase, or decrease, in contractors’ costs over any period. The formulae and the indices (over 200 of them) are widely used in various sectors in the construction industry, including civil engineering contracts and facility management.

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